Locked out of your car?
No worries! SLS Locksmiths can help you. We can open most cars including prestige cars without any damage as we are fully qualified to service automotive locks and have specialist tools. No more scratches on your car when a locksmith opens it. You can trust SLS Locksmiths!
Lost all your car keys and remotes?
We can make new keys and remotes for most cars in Australia on location. So if you have lost your car keys or remotes, we can supply you with replacements wherever you are. No need for costly towing or waiting for a dealership to provide keys for your vehicle. Simply give us a call for a quote.
Need spare keys?
Most cars manufactured since 1999 have some form of immobilizer system fitted from the factory. Each immobilizer system differs – even those from the same manufacturer. We offer affordable prices for cloning and programming keys for your car so give us a call.
Price will vary, depending on the car model and manufacturer.